Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tor Browser?

The place where twelve year old boys try to get onto Pornhub, but they realize it's way too slow to use.

Heed my warning, and please: use it for anonimity, not thongs and titties.

Jake: Aw man, I was using tor browser to try to get onto pornhub, but that shit is way too slow!
Mom: what did you just say
Jake: Uhh

👍45 👎13

Tor Browser - video


Tor Browser - what is it?

A browser used for buying drugs, weapons and videos showing sex with horses.

Tor Browser user:"Hey man, silk road 34.0 is down, let's create Silk Road 35.0!"

👍33 👎15

What does "Tor Browser" mean?

Your best friend when you need to watch porn but you're using your office wifi

Man I wanted to watch porn so I used Tor Browser to bypass the wifi's website blocking

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