Definder - what does the word mean?

What is To facebook?

when you and your friends are out and about and all of a sudden something really good happens and you get a picture of it and it imeditely needs to go on facebook

you and your friends are at a friends house drunk and you get a big group shot of everyone and someone from the back goes "facebook it" and everyone knows what you are talking about

👍173 👎27

To facebook - video


To facebook - what is it?

a MMORPG where players compete to collect the most "friends" by stalking other players, posting status updates and photos, and playing mini-MMORPGs like Farmville, Mafia Wars and (fluff)Friends.

"I spend two hours a day on facebook, and I have 1,600 friends (98% of whom I never speak to in RL). In other words, my e-peen is bigger than yours."

👍215 👎31

What does "To facebook" mean?

Facebook is the new Bebo. Most of the people on Facebook are self absorbed attention seekers who like to post as many pictures of themselves as they possibly can. Facebook mainly consists of lyrical captions for duck face pictures and hormonal girls who feel the need to tell the world about their break up from a month long relationship. Some people often mistake Facebook for Twitter and include the hashtag after a dramatic speech of a status. Facebook is the home of drama. Log in to Facebook and you'll question the reason for some people's existence.

*Logs into Facebook*
Girl 1 status: "HATIN NOT BEIN NEXT TO YUU BBY. CRYIN MASEFL TO SLEEP EVRY NITE. night peepz :(:(:((: btw single nd lookin xxx"
Girl 2 status: "Fuck you and all your shit. I'm done."
Girl 3 status: "You're such a head f***!! I HATE BOYS!!"
Girl 4 status: "If happy eva after did exist i wud still be holdin u like dis all those fairy tales r full of shit 1 mor fukin love song ill be sick.. (8)"
Girl 5 status: "HAHAHA cant believe you #shitboysdo #onceacheatalwaysacheat #fuckthis #chicksb4dicks"

👍73 👎13

To facebook - what does it mean?

A social network website that evolved in February of 2004. Is a waste of peoples time to chat about nonsense, other websites hi5, myspace, twitter, tagged, badoo, etc. If used usefully can benefit several people and businesses from a financial/business perspective.

What website that is so universally known?
Oh, that is facebook. Its the same thing, just a different name, its like myspace.

👍813 👎111

To facebook - meaning

A perpetual, modern day, high school reunion from Hell.

Let's Facebook insert person's name to see how they're doing right now.

👍1945 👎263

To facebook - definition

Facebook is like prison, you write on walls and poke random people.


👍7815 👎1057

To facebook - slang

a stalkers dream come true

facebook addict #1: dude you know that hot girl who lives upstairs, i totally got her screen name and cell phone number off of facebook
facebook addict #2: awesome, now you can totally stalk her

👍42269 👎5893

To facebook

Facebook is effectively an online database of people where people voluntarily upload all their personal information so that random people they have only met once, formally known as "friends", can track whatever they are doing for the rest of their lives.

This act of offering up personal information also equips Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, with near infinite power as he stores all the information, including conversations, permanently in order to make a huge profit through manipulation and as such can be compared to the famous fictional oligarch Big Brother from the book 1984, written by George Orwell.

Naive friend: Hey guess who has access to all my personal information that I protested vehemently against the police and government keeping yet am ok with doing it myself because I'm a conformist and Facebook is awesome?

Realist friend: Lord Zuckerberg and that random guy you met at a party once who turned out to be paedophile and mass murderer.

👍55 👎11

To facebook

A platform that likes to disable new accounts for no reasons. They're using AI to suspend new accounts for "not following the community guidelines" but actually they never breached any community guidelines. More funny thing is that, when you disagree and follow what they ask you to do, the results are same: accounts are disabled.

A: My Facebook account was disabled without any reasons!
B: Actually Facebook loves to do that... so that's why you shouldn't do Facebook.

👍25 👎13

To facebook

A website owned by the CIA used to spy on dumbasses who do all the work for "big brother". Appeals to brainwashed tools who are stupid enought to be concerned with fashion and trend and sports so getting them to fall for facebook and twitter and cellphones isn't that hard.

Sign up for facebook and let the US government know exactly what you're up to at all times! Remember to use your real name! And get used to all that farming! Once the Bilderbergs take over all you're going to have is dirt.

👍7613 👎501