Definder - what does the word mean?

What is To buck?


if u get bucked u shot

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To buck - video


To buck - what is it?

uck-(v. adj.)-getting wild and uncontrollably crazy. Someone who is buck is sure to get the party started anywhere they go, and they do it in an attempt to fight depression and boredom.

People have been known to get buck in high levels, which, although extreme, have not proven to have any negative effects other than your occasional hangover or bruise.

Buck people hate people who don’t join in on conversations, stand around while others are getting buck, and take vodka swigs on their own, basically all introverts are hated. Although crazy, being Buck is still being in control.

Ex. P1: Hey dude, what are we doing tonight?

P2: IDK, but we’re gonna get BUCK!

Ex. 2 We're gonna get BUCK in here!

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What does "To buck" mean?

1.v: slang for the act of fighting
2.v: slang for disagree'ing and feeling angry towards something
3.n: slang for a young black man
4.n: a male deer
5.n: slang for money

1. me: "Ray was bucking at lunch."
2. teacher: "We have homework tonite"
me: "I buck"
3. me: "I got the new young buck cd"
4. hunter: "I shot a buck last nite."
5. me: "My nintendo DS cost 150 bucks."

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To buck - what does it mean?

to steal or rob something

jit got his gun bucked oh naw.

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To buck - meaning

Slang for dollars

It costs ten thousand bucks to buy that car.

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To buck - definition

Word often used in south Florida to mean something was stolen.

I bucked Kevin’s phone at school.

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To buck - slang

Verb. (inDICKative) A sexual position between a man and a woman in which the woman lies flat on her back with her legs extended at a 90 degree angle from her torso, with her ankles positioned somwhere near her lover's ears or locked around his neck.

(2 Live Crew)


Verse 1: Fresh Kid Ice
There's only one way to have a good time
Fuck that pussy and make it mine
Lay the bitch on the bed, flat on her back
Hold her legs up high, make the pussy splak
You can put her in the buck by sittin' on a sink
Wrap her legs 'round you, now take this DICK!


Verse 2: Brother Marquis
It's a position in sex that's done by the masters
It ain't the 69 or what you learned in class
It increases the intensity of a fuck
Legs up high, known as the buck
It's the way to give her more than what she wants
Like the doggystyle, you get all the cunt
'Cause all men try real hard to do it
To have her walk in front and we try to abuse it
A big stinkin' pussy can't do it all
So we try real hard to bust the walls
Like THIS!!


Verse 3: Fresh Kid Ice

I'll break you down and dick you long
Bust your pussy then break your backbone
I'll go between them legs that's open wide
Pushin' this dick from side to side
Straight to the ceiling, now I'm feeling the feelin'
When I bust a nut, your ass'll be screamin'!!


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To buck

A derogatory term for Filipinos and Thai people derived from the sounds they make when they talk to each other.

I was the only white guy at that party, the room was full of buck bucks!

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To buck

It is a greeting for hello; what's up; what's going on; or as a calling for other people familiar with the term. It originated on Cleveland's (Ohio) eastside. Originally, this was an inside joke. A couple of friends were drinking and one person went to say " what's up", but started to slur his words and buck buck, came out instead. We started to use the words to make fun of the guy, but eventually, it became a standard in our vocabulary.

"Buck Buck Nigga what's good"


"Buck Buck homie"


"Buck Buck (alone)"


"Buck Buck nigga.. why you duckin me?"

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To buck

The sweetest game ever created. Talked about by Bill Cosby in his stand up comedy. It is when you get a group of guys to crouch down and hold on to a fence or poll and see how many guys you can get to jump on them before it collapses. When aproaching the mound of people you need to yell out "BUCK BUCK number(whatever number you are)."


Man that was an insane game of Buck Buck, my knee got all busted up.

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