Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Thornden?

Fucking piece of shit school in chandlers ford, near soton. Full of snobby posh twats using mummy and daddys money to flex. I know a girl who once said to me "my mum took me to holister at the weekend and spend £400 ish on clothes for me but I wanted her to spend £1000 because I wanted more things, GOD I HATE HER"
posh little dickeds.

oh my god and dont forget the fake depressed and emo girls. They are so fucking privalaged and have amazing lifes but shit they want attention riiighhhttt. Attention whores.

*Thornden school comes up in convo*
Ew isnt that school just full of posh twats and pedos*

👍41 👎13

Thornden - video


Thornden - what is it?

Thornden is a shit Secondary school in england. Everyone does drugs and goes to school high. The teachers are shit.

Thornden is a school full of druggies

👍31 👎13

What does "Thornden" mean?

Thornden is a British secondary school Lots of drama happens but good fun

Girl: So much drama!
Boy: Because we are at thornden

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