Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Thingamabob?

A thingamabob is something you don't know the name of and it is an actual word that I use very often and it is also if you want to be funny.

Can you go get me that thingamabob Chloe?

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Thingamabob - meme gif

Thingamabob meme gif

Thingamabob - video


Thingamabob - what is it?

A word used to express something that you don't know the word for (works like stuff and thingy).


Me: Hey hand me that flingamabob over there, would ya?
Someone else: What

Person#1: Hand me that thingamabob, would ya!
Person#2: What??

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What does "Thingamabob" mean?

When someone gets cock and ball tortured.

I got thingamabobbed and I lost a testicle like the Green Day drummer Tre Cool.

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Thingamabob - what does it mean?

An inanimate object that has no name, category or origin.

What is that thingamabob?
Where does this thingamabob go?

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Thingamabob - meaning

A little doohickey.

Bob's store sells custom-brand thingamabobs!

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Thingamabob - definition

an item...a play toy...

that thingamabobber we used last night was a lot of fun!

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Thingamabob - slang

A thingamabob is a noun used to describe items that either you can't remember the name of or that don't actually exist.

Pass me the thingamabob, I wanna change the channel.

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A Whatyamacallit.

my car sounds funny when i break, i think it's the eeehh, you know that thingamabob, the whatyamacallit, besides that other thingy under the hood!

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A nonsense word for a miscellaneous it, like a doodad or a bobblynushniff

Steve: Have you seen that doodad?
Koji: The what?
Apollo: It's like a thingamabob

Koji: Oh, like a bobblynushniff

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