Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Special One?

When the woman puts your ball sack on a tee then uses a golf club to whack them bitches up your ass getting a two for one special

Alex and Kamy were on the golf green, and Kamy thought it would be good to give Alex a two for one special. So she plopped his sack on the tee and whacked his sack up his ass.

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The Special One - video


The Special One - what is it?

When a basketball team comes up with a bunch of steals against the opposing team. A direct reference to the capital one slogan: β€œwhats in your wallet”

The Miami Heat hit the Boston Celtics with the capital one special by coming up with 19 steals in game 3 of the eastern conference finals

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What does "The Special One" mean?

Refers to da delightful situation where ya go to visit one nice in-her-late-teens chick, and she happens to have her best friend --- another hot sweet-natured teenage damsel --- over for a visit, and so ya get TWO pretty girls to hold hands with.

I usually try to visit my cutie-pie lady-friends in the afternoon or evening, since that's often when they will have one or two other equally-delightful blinky-eyed chicks over to hang out, and so I get a two-for-one special --- TWO soft warm hands to clasp or press against my cheeks, and TWO sweet smiling faces beaming shyly at me.

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The Special One - what does it mean?

The Special One is the greatest of the greatest. He has special powers and incredible skill. He is the chosen one.

TSO: "To be the special one, you must be SPECIAL and the ONLY ONE... That is ME!"
TSO: "They call me the special one, they call me the lion king. But I call myself Vicente... and soon the Science Ambassador.

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The Special One - meaning

A nickname for the Portugese Football manager JosΓ© Mourinho

Mourinho said, "Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one", which resulted in the media dubbing him "The Special One"

The Special One is at Inter Milan now!

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