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What is The Great Wise Crazily Drunken Russian Vodka Master?

This is the top man in Mother Russia who can out drink every other man in the country. He knows the proper way to drink Vodka...with an onion. You will NOT beat him in Russian Roulette so DON'T TRY. He is the leader of the RCU - (Russian Comrades United) This organization is constantly being argued over its popularity and influence in the world at large. Some top experts argue whether it even exists. However it is not wise to question the power of the force of the clan of united RCU battalions of death.

"The Great Wise Crazily Drunken Russian Vodka Master" is no bozo-mc-spaz-a-tron. However, he is sometimes the unofficial spokesperson for ADOBE.

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The Great Wise Crazily Drunken Russian Vodka Master - video
