Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Text balls?

To only have balls to text people shit, not to actually say it to their face.

No balls texting: when one room mate doesn't have the balls to say things to your face so they resort to texting you.

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Text balls - video


Text balls - what is it?

Any text message consisting of less than four words which is usually sent from a distracted or disinterested party. Opposite of "Bible Text"

"Hey man what's going on with that girl you met last weekend?"

"Not much, just a bunch of Magic Eight Ball Texts"

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What does "Text balls" mean?

When a person who has no confidence or courage in the real world, gains the courage to speak their mind when texting.

John's mad at me but he only has the balls to say it to me through text. He has text balls.

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