Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tell Me More?

if you use this sentence the speaker then knows you don't give a shit about his or her speech and that you want to die

9 Year Old Kid: and then I got so many v-bucks *flexes*
Me: oh that's very interesting tell me more

👍33 👎19

Tell Me More - video


Tell Me More - what is it?

Another way of telling someone to "shut the fuck up" or to silence someone of stupid ideas or talk.

Mark: I honestly don't like animals.
Josh: Tell me more, asshole.

👍33 👎19

What does "Tell Me More" mean?

When someone say something stupid or simple. It's used to annoy people by asking them to tell you more when the statement is final.

Leetal - You're so lame
Johnny - Yah? Tell me more.
Leetal - ..... your lame
johnny - Yah? Tell me more.

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