Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tattletail?

Specifically a person, usually a man, who blabs to their buddies about a woman/man they slept with, where the person they slept with specifically does not want anyone to know about the interaction or relationship. This could be for many reasons, such as keeping a work relationship a secret or cheating on a spouse. Not to be confused with tattletale, tail is specifically in reference to "getting some tail".

My ex was such a tattletail! He told his brother about us and now my parents know I'm not a virgin!

👍81 👎103

Tattletail - meme gif

Tattletail meme gif

Tattletail - video


Tattletail - what is it?

A Christmas-themed horror game based on Furbies from 1998.
Desc in a nutshell: You are a naughty boi/gurl who decides to open their Christmas present 5 days before Christmas. What did your parents get you? A loud and obnoxious Furby that won't stop talking 24/7! Mama is angy, and wants to protecc her child, so she tells a creep ass story ("The children thought that Mama would never find then as long as she couldn't see them. Turn the Page. But Mama could still hear the children. The pitter-patter of their little feet lead Mama right to them. Turn the Page. Then Mama found the children, EVERY LAST ONE. And put them right back to bed"). After she finishes the story she tries to kill you. You must perform a ritual on Christmas Eve to banish her. "What happens on Christmas day?", you probably didn't ask? Welllll, you slowly open up your present while hearing ominous music annnndd BOOM! You open the box, and she jumps out of it and still kills you!


Tattletail: Me Tattletai! Me LOOOOOOOOVE You!
Mama Tattletail: Mama's comin'!
Player: Well shit...

👍25 👎11

What does "Tattletail" mean?

Some random fucking game that everyone keeps talking about. It's popular for it's lookalike Mascot, TATTLETAIL. Looks like a fucking Furby. Geez.

"Hey Richard, do you know Tattletail?"
"Dude, that game is a Furby ripoff and is horrible."

👍41 👎25

Tattletail - what does it mean?

A creepy Furby-like toy from the horror game of the same name. Tattletail comes in either purple, yellow or blue fur, and it not only is this little bastard creepy, you constantly have to keep feeding, grooming, and recharging it, otherwise it will go on a complaining fit (or demonic possession fit as far as the recharging is concerned) that could very well get you caught by it's murderous mother.

For an awesome playthrough of the game Tattletail, look up the one done by YouTuber Markiplier

You know, I think I'd actually prefer a Furby over a Tattletail.......

👍63 👎15