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What is Tater-tots?

an adjective used to describe something really awesome.

My new red ferrari is totally tater tot!

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Tater-tots - meme gif

Tater-tots meme gif

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Tater-tots - what is it?

The tater tot is an extension of a "shart" which was popularized by the movie, Along Came Polly, which is when someone thinks they need to fart, and when they do, a little shit comes out. The tater tot is when one has to shit so badly that they can not hold it and they shit their pants in the car. Now this is no ordinary dump, this is a full blown toilet clogging, shit on the bathroom floor, useless to the plunger, rotorotter problem. Thus, this shit in the car gets everywhere, meaning all over the seat, the door, on the floor, and even a little on the steering wheel. Now one could ask is this possible, and if one has experienced a true tater tot, they will know it is possible.

The other day my friend did a tater tot, it got every where. It took all day to clean, and we had to throw away 3 pairs of shoes and the driver seat car mat.

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What does "Tater-tots" mean?

A term used in tennis when one mistakenly hits a ball that is going out.

I was sure I had that point lost, but my opponent saved me by tater totting it into the net.

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Tater-tots - what does it mean?

Often referring to a small crusty bitch. who is slow paced and shaped like fried potato snack

Look at tater tot over there being useless again

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Tater-tots - meaning

The act of taking a hit of weed from a potato

"That Okun kid is a tater totting champ! I saw him take hits from his Spud Gun"

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Tater-tots - definition

Tater Tots: noun. A traditional American frozen food, supposedly made of potatoes, nicknamed Taters. Tater tots are basically fried minced potato in a tiny cylinder form, and then frozen, bought at the store, and baked in an oven. :)

I had tater tot casserole for dinner last night. I love it! XD

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Tater-tots - slang

Circular-ish, Round-ish, Oval-ish hasbrowns.
Yummie .

asdugfrsdoagha8epdogh Tater Tots

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A pair of scrumptuous and well rounded titties.

Dang, look at that hot lady over there, she has some wonderful tater tots!

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The act of cramming ones testicles into a second party's anus.

Ex. 1: Rob passed out at our party, so I gave him The Tater Tots.

Ex. 2: I met this girl Amy. She's real kinky and actually gets off when I give her The Tater Tots.

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9 year old kids who worship Andrew Tate to a point of retardation. Also takes everything that comes out of Andrew Tate's mouth as fact, and believes he can beat Prime Mike Tyson in a fight just because he said so.

Mother: "Son, your food is ready!"

Tater Tot: "Shut up woman! you can't tell me what to do! Top G told me to sign up go to Discord University and Buy some Bugatti's and breathe some air!"

Mother: "My Son is a fcking Tater Tot"

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