Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tanto's?

its no big deal

perder el juego no es para tanto

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Tanto's meme gif

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Tanto's - what is it?

Mientras tanto is the unofficial word for nonce in Spanish, but was abolished back in 1946 after it was deemed too offensive to Paedophiles.

Hey look that guy looks like a mientras tanto.

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What does "Tanto's" mean?

A person of Indian descent . Not Native American, The India Subcontinent
Originates from the epic Film "Who's Harry Crumb?" starring the legendary John Franklin Candy.

He Tanto! That's a nice elephant you got there.

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Tanto's - what does it mean?

Urban/Gangsta nickname for someone from the streets

"Hey Tanto! Wuts good wit chu?

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Tanto's - meaning


Tanto is what you are

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Tanto's - definition

When you team up with a bro to double team a broad and the balls rub together creating friction and sparking a small fire, needing only marshmallows and smores

Hey did you hear jimmy and steve tanto that bitch last night? they burnt down the whole apartment complex

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Tanto's - slang

Word when a Mexican teenager looks like hes 30.

Look at that tanto his mustache is huge.

Chris is a tanto.

"Hola tanto"

"Your son is a tanto, thats rad."

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Tantoe is a term that is used to exaggerate your opinion or statement. For example:
"That car is tantoe nice bro."
Where tantoe exaggerate the fact that he has a nice ride.

Your ride is tantoe nice bro

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A tanto is very similar to a katana. It is shorter, about 6"-12" (15-30 cm) and very thin. It was designed for stabbing, but could be used to slash.

When Musashi lost his katana in battle, he pulled out his tanto.

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A Japanese knife or small sword, they are forged generally in hira-zukuri, meaning that they have no ridge-line, unlike the shinogi-zukuri shape of a katana. They were generally very thin and therefore would cut soft targets extremely well.
It is also the shortest of three similar swords, the wakizashi and the katana

my tanto was made to stab you

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