Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Taebo?

A word that Korean's taekwondo and boxing. a Japanese woman called Hae Ryun Joe ad the taebo, it was made to a meme for Korean. For examples,

"taebo bring me here :joy: anyone 2019??"
"Taekwondo + boxing = sun pung juk in gi (Big popular)"
"She is jap punch hook @==(^0^)@"

"Jul dae taebo hae @==(^0^)@ @(^0^)==@ "

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Taebo - meme gif

Taebo meme gif

Taebo - video


Taebo - what is it?

Tae Bo is an aerobic exercise routine developed by tae kwon do practitioner Billy Blanks

go to my place and just kick it, like Taebo :)

👍65 👎21