Definder - what does the word mean?


The male version of hoe. A clumsy player who gets no respect.

Ron is such a shovel. Cindy and Bev would have both ditched him if they weren't hoes themselves.

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THE SHOVEL - video


THE SHOVEL - what is it?

The person in a group of friends - typically when the group is eating pizza or any similar food - who decides to reach for the dipping sauce with the slice, and in turn pulls the dip entirely out of your ability to reach for it.

Joey: "Jordan, if I'm already completely wasted, why the hell would you shovel the garlic dip out of my range of reach?!"
Jordan: "Damn son, sorry for being a shoveler."

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What does "THE SHOVEL" mean?

a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of their spade shaped heads.
"shovels who think the world revolves around them and their not so pretty heads"

Omg she is such a shovel.
Did you see that girl, she is nothing but a shovel

👍49 👎19

THE SHOVEL - what does it mean?

This is a recent cockney rhyming slang word for Nick - which is in itself slang for police station or prison cell. ie SHOVEL and PICK (nick). A police officer might say "You're nicked" when arresting someone.

Where's Arthur ? He's in the shovel.

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THE SHOVEL - meaning

A tool for hitting something with.

*You see a fat chick walking down the street*
Joe: Id hit that...
James: ..With a shovel.

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THE SHOVEL - definition

a verb to be shoveled,to shovel

damn girl, you need to get shoveled!

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THE SHOVEL - slang

It means man HO

Omg Dalton is such a man ho

Chelsea you mean shovel

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When you glue toe/finger nail clippings to the tip of one's penis to make it resemble a shovel. After this is done, proceed to anal sex with your partner and attempt to "shovel" out nuggets of poop.

Christine has been saving a lot of money on toilet paper even since Robby starting shoveling her.

My prostate exam felt like I was getting shoveled.

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to beat into submission with a common, gardening shovel

Dude, I didn't know it was your sister
Get off my lawn before I shovelate you
He means it! He's got a shovel!

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A girl who takes the semen left on her belly and places it inside her vagina with the intent to become impregnated

Mike: Dude I heard you got Sheila pregnant
Dale: I busted on her belly though
Mike: She must be a shoveler
Dale: Damn, you're right...I'm gonna be a dad

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