Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TEUME?

Enhypen's second fandom, teumes.

A fandom that are obsessed with enhypen and engenes

-who are they? Oh them?? They're teumes, enhypen's second fandom.

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TEUME - meme gif

TEUME meme gif

TEUME - video


TEUME - what is it?

A fandom of ENGENES. They are very dedicated fans and are always seen being up to date with Engene via Twitter and on rare occasions, Weverse.

A: What are teumes up to today?
B: They're lurking in engenetwt

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What does "TEUME" mean?

a 144p fandom stanning a 1080p group but managed to get many wins for treasure although being a rookie

don't believe me???
stan treasure to find out how it's like to be a part of a 144p fandom🀩

jay: "omg what she's a teume?"
viva: "yes why?"
jay: "how did treasure manage to get many wins with a fandom like that..."
viva: "idk you're the one who said they are a 144p fandom"

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TEUME - what does it mean?

fandom who loves ENHYPEN and ENGENES so much

-hello ! I've heard that you're a teume? so it means you are a fan of ENHYPEN and ENGENES right?
-ah yes im a teume and im obsessed with ENHYPEN and ENGENES<3

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TEUME - meaning

also know as:

β€’Teubols ( a very high-toxic fan from this fandom, mostly they've got alot of followers in twitter and talks as if they're doing good but afterwards their accounts went on private after attacking ENHYPEN.

β€’Second fandom of ENHYPEN, a talented monster rookie k-pop group. Because teumes seem to be even more updated to enhypen than it's own fandom.

β€’Obssessed to ENHYPEN

Do you pronounce it as"obsession" or "teumes to enhypen" ?

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TEUME - definition

Teumes is the fandom of a kpop group called Treasure AKA ROTY 2020. Teumes is also a name of a group of clowns but w/o any make ups.

person 1 : hey what do you call a group of clowns w/o make up?
person 2 : oh you mean Teumes?

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TEUME - slang

a fandom who protects and love TREASURE against antis

-hi there friend! ive heard that you're a teume? so it means you are a fan of TREASURE right?
-ahh yes im a teume but im not a fan of them only, i protect and love them against antis because its our responsibility <3

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A rookie fandom that can be considered call as Multitask King

I think that fandom will have something big come out today around 7kst i hope they will distract by that like before - rat

No you can honey. What i know is they are teume. A multitask king wbk - someone is clever

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here is the real definition of Teume .

Teume is a nickname of "Treasure maker" . It's a name for TREASURE fans . The nickname is by Choi Hyunsuk , the co-leader of TREASURE . Teume is a chill fandom and can go with anyone/any fandom . Teumes are pretty and handsome people with taste . Teumes love TREASURE so much and will always support & protect them .

- hey ! are you a teume ???
+ YES !!! I AM !!

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fandom name of kpop group β€œTreasure” can also be called treasure maker

Teumes are proud of Treasure

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