Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Swofford's?

a belemic fuck up who dusn't kno herslef

jordan u a cracked out swofford

👍29 👎63

Swofford's - meme gif

Swofford's meme gif

Swofford's - video


Swofford's - what is it?

Belittling a person just because they have different likes/beliefs than you.

1st Person: "Dude, you like gouda cheese?? You are such a FAG!!"

2nd Person: "Man, you've got to stop swoffording me. I'm getting a complex."

👍27 👎19

What does "Swofford's" mean?

The dumbest of the dumb. The most ignorant fucking retard that you can possibly find. In every conversation this person must add his input which in turn leaves you feeling dumber and left in awe. This person takes pride in being the butt of all jokes, and upholds himself in the highest tradition of being absolute retarded fat shit mad ass trash.

any possible negative word that can be used in a deragatory manner.

Your such a waste of fucking life, your such a "swofford."

👍41 👎53

Swofford's - what does it mean?

Belittling a person just because they have different likes/beliefs than you.

1st Person: "Dude, you like gouda cheese?? You are such a FAG!!"

2nd Person: "Man, you've got to stop swoffording me. I'm getting a complex."

👍31 👎13