Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Suka Blyat?

Russian, correct translation:
Bitch whore, go fuck yourself

Used on its own, "suka blyat, idi nahui" - can be combined with walking away or punching in the face.
Usually a monologue, can be repeated several times, each time rising voice slightly

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Suka Blyat - video


Suka Blyat - what is it?

A russian word combo that is used by russian gopniks. It means ''go fuck yourself you stupid bitch''. This isn't the exact translation but if someone says pashol nahui suka blyat just know that they arent very friendly haha

Can you give me some money?

👍51 👎21

What does "Suka Blyat" mean?

Literally "bitch BLYAT, go in the direction of a male reproductive organ"
the closest here would be: Bitch blyat, go fuck yourself

or: Bitch blyat, fuck off
Used very often in various situations when it comes to some friendly laughs or not so friendly shit-talks. Can be used without the first two words as well: "idi nahui!"

- Yo, Vladimir, so I've heard that girl dumped you on the party yesterday? Ha-ha
- Suka blyat, idi nahui. I didn't like her anyway.

👍1521 👎405

Suka Blyat - what does it mean?

used by russians in csgo when raging

omg fat americans suka blyat, idi nahui, now go roosh b don't stop, omg fookin nub

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Suka Blyat - meaning

If directly translated from Russian, means "bitch fuck". In essence that doesn't make much sence to the foreigns but in Russia it is commonly used when something's going wrong.

Suka blyat he's fleeing away! Get him!

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Suka Blyat - definition

*This word is commonly used in Counter Strike: Global Offensive*

It means fuck you in russian.

Rush B suka blyat noobs!!

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Suka Blyat - slang

I swear if won of you Americans say Suka Blyat again. That makes no fucking sense! Nobody says that in real life except 12 year old on cs:go

Suka Blyat cannot be used in a sentence.

👍85 👎59

Suka Blyat

Translates to "bitch, fuck!" in Russian. Used among russian comrades when they are in rage.

*gets a vodka bottle stuck up his ass* "SUKA BLYAT!"

👍63 👎23

Suka Blyat

How to confuse people of Russian and Indonesian descent. In Indonesian, the phrase means 19 Reviews , 13Followers.
In Russian the phrase is a curse word and means Bitch Slut!

Indonesian guy: Suka Blyat! I have 19 reviews and 13 followers!

Russian guy: Suka Blyat! That bitch is a slut!

👍181 👎77

Suka Blyat

A phrase in russia that consists of the words suka blyat that translates to bitch fuck , this is actually the most common phrase in russia , this is usually said with a vodka in the speakers in someones hand

Russian dude: hey fuck you

Communist guy: suka blyat

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