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What is Stripper Day?

National Stripper and Burrito Day is celebrated every year on April 24th. We celebrate the love we have for both Strippers and Burritos.

I wish everyday was National Stripper and Burrito Day

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Stripper Day - video


Stripper Day - what is it?

exotic dancers who work during the day and are typically less "talented" than night and weekend staff.

Bob - "Did you hear that Tom is dating an exotic dancer?"

Tom - "Really? I didn't think he could pull it off!"

Bob - "Don't be so impressed, she's only a "day stripper"."

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What does "Stripper Day" mean?

October 19th is defined. As the day to be naked just strip it.

Boy: what’s tomorrow

Girl: national stripper day
Boy: what the...
Girl: oh it just turned 12:00am *gets naked*

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