Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Street legend?

A term used by Harleysville locals to describe notorious Harleysville gang members.

Jimmy: “yo it’s that buhl 215 trap god.”

Johnny: “I heard he’s a harleysville street legend.”

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Street legend - video


Street legend - what is it?

A term used by Harleysville locals to describe notorious Harleysville gang members.

Jimmy: “yo it’s that buhl 215 trap god.”

Johnny: “I heard he’s a harleysville street legend.”

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What does "Street legend" mean?

A very serious medical condition in witch one completely loses their will to live. The only known cure is 12 hours of playing Street Fighter 4 a day for a period of 6 months. Mountain Dew injected directly into the bloodstream has been known to decrease recovery time.

She had a disgusted look on her face when watching Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li as she saw Vega get killed off in a 2 minute fight.

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Street legend - what does it mean?

a legend of the streets, some one who has earned respect throughout the streets

mitchone is an ill sick streetlegend

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