Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Street Meat?

·A feeling of extreme heat while outside

·Death by fire

·Lego batman reference

· So you saved Alfred from becoming street meat?
· That poor guy tried to get up north and got turned into street meat...
· It's so hot outside I'll be turned into street meat!

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Street Meat - video


Street Meat - what is it?

The proper term regarding a female who belongs to the streets.

Person #1: Aye bruh, what's going on with you and Jessica? She posted a pic with you on her story
Person #2: Lol it's not like that – she's just some street meat. She topped me in my car and then I dropped her back at her auntie's

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What does "Street Meat" mean?


Damn Kim, that's some nasty street meat you just ran over

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Street Meat - what does it mean?

An opened beef jerky stick one may find in the street, and if consumed, would turn one gay.

“Don’t eat street meat Jim, you’ll turn gay!!”

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Street Meat - meaning

The meat a man sells on a street, except not the meat that is edible... unless you're into that.

A man offered lil' Timmy some street meat, unknowingly he accepted. Timmy has been missing for 3 years now.

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Street Meat - definition

Buying a meat-related food item from a street vender.

where did you get the burger?
I got it from the vender, its street meat.

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Street Meat - slang

A member of the Milliam Clan

Popular member of the group
Infectious laugh

That was very street meat-y of you

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Street Meat

Innumerable types of meat and food prepared on city streets in carts and stands and then sold to passing patrons.

Have you checked out all the different street meat on

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Street Meat

A male or female prostitute/streetwalker, who sells themselves for financial gain. The female trick usually barters with her meat curtains, while the male utilizes his beef stick.

"man, I haven't had sex in awhile. Cricket is working the corner. I'm gonna get me some of that street meat..."

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Street Meat

A female that is for the streets

"Oh rachel? She's for the streets, straight street meat"

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