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What is Stanley Yelnats?

Much like the bill cosby sweater, the movie Holes starring Shia LaBeouf has provided us with the Stanley Yelnats Sweater. It involves eating an entire raw onion before sex. During sex, induce vomiting onto your partner's chest. For an extra challenge, first consume a raw onion with a can of peaches. Then, during sex, vomit on your partners chest to fully complete a Sploosh Sweater.

"Did you hear what she got for Christmas?"

"No, what?"

"A Stanley Yelnats Sweater!"

👍41 👎17

Stanley Yelnats - video

Stanley Yelnats - what is it?

The act of standing back to back with your significant other, bending over and having sex backwards. (your butt-cheeks should be touching and your penis should be between your legs.)

-"Have you read Holes?"

-"No, but I am an expert on Stanley Yelnats."

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