Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sport's?

any activity that one can practice, AND compete in with others on different levels (eg. by class, district, state, national, etc).

Squash may not be as athletically challenging and demanding as football, but it is a sport.

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Sport's - meme gif

Sport's meme gif

Sport's - video


Sport's - what is it?

1. verb. The process of throwing a sporting ball, such as a football or mandarin, to a forewarned but nevertheless unsuspecting workmate, teammate or stranger (but never spouse or pet). An initiator, termed a β€˜sportor’, expresses their desire to instigate β€˜sport’ by firmly stating β€œSport!”, usually preceded by the name of the recipient, termed a 'sportee'.

Note: To have succeeded at sport is to catch the sported object; to fail is to be struck unflatteringly or critically by said sported object.

"Sport is a great team building exercise!"

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What does "Sport's" mean?

Yelled during the viewing of a sporting event by a non-sports fan when surrounded by sports fans. Non-sports yells "SPORTS" when he or she does not know what is going on in a given but wants to feel as though they are contributing.

Fan 1: "C'mon ref!"
Fan 2: "What a shitty call!"
Fan 3: "Let em' play! It's the fourth quarter for christ's sake!"
Fan 4: "SPORTS!"

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Sport's - what does it mean?

Giving up your own physical health and mental stability for the love of the game.

Mental Breakdowns.
"I can't, I have ____"
REAL sport

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Sport's - meaning

generic name used as a substitute for a person's surname.

See also chief, ace, champ, boss, dude, pal, slappy, guy, man, homey, junior, my deuce

I was at work today, and some dickface dropped this line on me:

"What's up, sport? Think you can get me a drink there, chief? What do you say, champ?"

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Sport's - definition

America's state-sponsored religion.

On Sunday we pray sports.

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Sport's - slang

The sociological phenomena where throwing large amounts of money at anything will cause participants and spectators alike to obsess over the subject in question.

"Think we can turn butter-churning into a sport?"
"I'm a multi-billionaire. I'll see what I can do."

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Slang for wearing. Also used to describe what athletes wear when they compete.

He is sporting a rare pair of Air Jordans.

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the name your dad calls you by that makes you feel like a total loser, which you probably are anyway (synonyms: champ, chief, etc.)

"Hey sport, whaddya say your old man teaches you to throw the ol' ball around today."
"Dad, I'm an All-American pitcher at U of Texas."
"Oh sorry son, the ol' ticker ain't what it used to be."
"Dad, please, you're embarrassing me in front of my bitch."

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A saying used by mostly NBA and NFL fans whenever they see a sport that isn't the NBA or NFL tweeted by SportsCenter or Bleach Report. It's often linked to people who grew up fatherless or people with a mental disability

"Don't care + not a sport + ratio"

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