Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Split Screen?

When you have a wank over someone you know who looks like an actress in a porn film. You split your screen to show the woman you know on one side of the screen (perhaps a Facebook photo) and the porn video with actress who looks like her on the opposite side.

Brian: "You coming down the pub mate?"
John: "Nah, having a split screen reality wank mate."
Brian: "What's that?"
John: "Found a pornstar that looks like your sister mate, will load that up while looking at your sisters profile picture."
Brian: "You're a sick fuck mate."

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Split Screen - video


Split Screen - what is it?

When people don't apply to themselves, the same standards that they judge others by. People with this affliction repeatedly fail to live up to their own publicly proclaimed standards.


"How bout' that... there she goes again, condemning the barbarous laws of that developing nation while supporting capital punishment in her own".


"Looks like she's suffering from a split screen mind".

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What does "Split Screen" mean?

The act of stealthily masturbating behind two distracted video game players and ejaculating on both of them. Bonus points for headshots, quickscopes, and 360 noscopes.

Gary and his boyfriend were playing Halo all day so I splitscreened them while they were in sudden death. Even got a headshot on Gary.

Beth keeps split screening Dave and I, maybe we should tie her up in the basement.

👍27 👎13

Split Screen - what does it mean?

When two couples bang in the same room. Normally associated with drunk nights.

So we were split screening these girls... then it got weird cause he started screen peaking.

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Split Screen - meaning

When you and your boi get prostitutes and nail them in the same room, but not the same bed

-Hey Dude! Let's go get some hookers
-Aight man, but I ain't split screening with yo ass again!

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Split Screen - definition

A sex move that is taking campuses across North America by storm. It is the act of playing a multi-player video game with a girlfriend/acquaintance/random girl while doing her from behind. Doggie style is a must as the TV must be visible for both patrons involved.

Did you bang her?

Fuck yeah. We did the split screen for like six fucking hours. First to Mario Party 3 and then Goldeneye. She was Oddjob and I was Baron Samedi.

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