Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Spear Goblin?

A card in clash royale often used to kite high health troops (meGAY knight, Pekka,) resulting in a massive elixir trade and the obliteration of entire pushes. Players who use it don't have a family and only live ( on the streets) to play this one game, only earning money by demonstrating their skill in front of depression-stricken hordes.

Player 1: Want to train for that clan war?

Player 2: Sure, let me upgrade my Spear Goblins first.

Player 1: I think you're prepared enough. considering that we're in the middle of a hood and being watched.

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Spear Goblin - video


Spear Goblin - what is it?

Spear goblin is a phrase you use to answer a question in which you have no say or opinion in.

"What are your thoughts on the political outreaches some governors are making?"
"Spear Goblin"

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