Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sonni's?

Sonny is an amazing person who is unique in every way and who is loved by all. It is impossibly not to love a caring loving guy like him, all guys wish that they were him and everyone knows him for the smart guy he is. Impossible not to love this perfect man? Sonny, is Sonny sun sunshine the best of the best. He can see you not with his eyes but his soul. So profound and so deep. He will love you like no other. When he says "I love you " you know he means it, unlike other boys you can't tell. Sonny is such an amazing person that will leave a good mark on your life and you'll be happy he's there. Sonny is the white peaceful clouds up above. He's my comfort zone. He’s my peacemaker. He’s my hopeless romantic. He's my Whiteboy. He’s my love. He's mine. Sonny smile will light up your mood in a sec. Less than a sec! Even when times are hard you can always count on him. You can count on him to talking about pugs in the morning, or see what pigeons think or what we think about the world. It’s not just about sex, It’s more than that, it’s not just appearance ( he's super fine, he's 😍) its more than that. It’s not just personality (he has genuine good heart and good intentions, he's beautiful) its more than that. It’s how you connect with him physically, mentally & spiritually. He's everything in the world. He's what counts most.

Sonny is the sunshine of my day, he’s what makes everyone’s day brighter and better.

👍57 👎21

Sonni's - meme gif

Sonni's meme gif

Sonni's - video


Sonni's - what is it?

To literally beat the shit out of someone. Especially to one who really is testing your patience. The beating is similar to what carlo received from sonny in the movie The Godfather.

Damn, that motherfucker really pissed me off. I'd go sonny on him if he doesn't happen to be my dad.

👍1427 👎667

What does "Sonni's" mean?

Probably the coolest chick you will ever meet. Usually referred to as Sunshine. Likes to sit in dark rooms, burn incense, and listen to Enya. If you have a friend named Sonni, then you should consider yourself the luckiest girl or guy in the world. Don't ever let go of that one because life with Sonni never has a dull moment.

You may confuse her as a hippie, but don't be fooled ... she is just a free-spirited, all-around loving girl ... who happens to love tie-dye, doves, peace signs, dresses, leather sandals, and mellow music.

Person 1: Dude, I met this girl named Sonni the other day ...
Person 2: Dude, she's like my best friend ... Isn't she the coolest?
Person 3: Let's just put it this way ... There ain't no sunshine when she's away.

👍151 👎53

Sonni's - what does it mean?

Sonny, the guy who gets all the pussy in the world and had a big cock not so big that it’s scary tho.

He even attracts the hottest people in his school and even Phil the alcoholic with liver failure everyone loves him.

Nigga”hey is that sonny damn wish I was like him”
Nigga 2 “yeah same he’s so attractive (no homo) and has a big cock, I’m so jealous

👍141 👎45

Sonni's - meaning

Sonny is an amazing person who is unique in every way and who is loved by all. it is impossibly not to love a sexy caring loving guy like him, all guys wish that they were him and all girls wish they were with him. he has the biggest most beautiful muscels in all the town and everyone knows him for the smart guy he is. Impossible not to love this perfect man? Yes

Girl 1: omg did you see sonny walk by?
Girl 2: omg i wanna date him!

Girl 1: i know right! hes so fiiine!

👍1577 👎579

Sonni's - definition

The cutest guy you will ever meet. This guy has the cutest smile and will treat any girl with respect. He is funny but shy at times and needs a little space and time to think things through.

Oh my god!!! Sonnie just asked me out, he is so cute.

👍85 👎23

Sonni's - slang

Sonnie is the type of girl you will probably only ever meet once in your life. She has the purest most loving heart .She's really really goofy and super sweet. She's beautiful and her smile is everything. If she looks at you once then you will just replay it over and over. Sonnie is great at anything really and when she dances its the hottest thing ever.Sonnie is super mysterious, you will see her one day but the next day shes gone. She is super loyal to really anyone and she hopes the best for everyone.If she sees anyone in pain she'll want to take it away.People take advantage of her because of her kindness. Sonnie is overall just an AMAZING PERSON. If your ever lucky enough to come across her don't let her go.

guy: so have you got in Sonnie's pants
guy2: nah man with sonnie its completely different, you dont get it,shes perfect

👍131 👎31


Sonny is someone who is lefit (leng+fit=lefit)

Sonny is so lefit

👍27 👎25


A couple from the NBC Daytime TV Show, Days of Our Lives. Will and Sonny are the most adorable couple you will ever see. And soon they will be looking after Will's baby and getting married.

I just saw Will and Sonny on Days of Our Lives, they're so cute

👍45 👎11


Sonny’s are someone you don’t realize you need until you meet them, like really meet them. They are great listeners and they have a really good heart. They’re personality’s are what’s best though, they are super funny, have the best jokes and stupid funny stories, and can make you smile by just looking at them. They are amazing dancers and their passion and dedication for what they love is outstanding. Sonnys are so easy to talk to and be yourself with. They are super caring and extremely attractive. They will continue to surprise you each day and it makes it that much easier to fall for them, HARD.

Someone: “Hey have you talked to sonny ever”
Me: “You have no idea

👍745 👎103