Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Smokey Robinson's?

Slang for a tire that is in the act of peeling out in such a vigorous state that it is smoking profusely.

Hey man, was your girlfriend pissed after you got drunk at her sister's wedding?

Hell yeah! She took my keys gave my poor car smokey robinsons all the way home!

👍33 👎23

Smokey Robinson's - video


Smokey Robinson's - what is it?

Slang for a tire that is in the act of peeling out in such a vigorous state that it is smoking profusely.

Hey man, was your girlfriend pissed after you got drunk at her sister's wedding?

Hell yeah! She took my keys gave my poor car smokey robinsons all the way home!

👍37 👎15

What does "Smokey Robinson's" mean?

n . When a girl farts in your face while you're eating her out.

Yea man - I knew we were tight when she gave me the Smokey Robinson and nobody flinched. I finished, of course.

👍31 👎11

Smokey Robinson's - what does it mean?

one of the baddest negros to sing oldies from back in the day he used to sing songs like "being with you" and "Ooo baby baby"

smokey robinson is gonna be at the art laboe show im gonna go watch i luv oldiez

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