Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Slitch's?

1 - The combination of the words "slutty" and "bitch".
2 - A punk band based in Canada

1 - Look at the slitches in the bar.
2 - Did you pickup Slitch's new CD?

👍57 👎47

Slitch's - meme gif

Slitch's meme gif

Slitch's - video


Slitch's - what is it?

Simply put, a girl who is both a slut and a bitch. Sluts put out but they can be cool. Bitches act bitchey and may or may not put out. A slitch will put out and acts bitchey the majority of the time.

Becky: God, I can't believe anyone likes Susie. She's so rude and easy.
Harriet: I know, she's such a slitch!
Tommy: I don't know what you two are talking about. Susie's sexy!
Becky: You're disgusting Tommy. You just want to get some.
Tommy: So what?!

👍35 👎15

What does "Slitch's" mean?

Slitch! I somehow thought years ago I came up with this word myself. However, my definition went as such... Slitch, being made by combining slut & bitch together. Was meant to be everything you do love about a slut, and everything you do love about a bitch, and none of the shyte you hate. So was meant to be a positive spin.

Hope you appreciate my take on the word.


I'm vibing with that Slitch!

That Slitch is gonna take care of my primal itch!
My Slitch ain't no witch!

👍25 👎11

Slitch's - what does it mean?

This is a combination between a slut and a bitch.

"Brittany is such a slitch, do you see what she is wearing?"

👍37 👎15

Slitch's - meaning

To sustain a serious yet insidious injury. The victim is unaware until informed by others.

The Wizard of Oz refers to "the kitchen took a slitch" which means the whole house was lifted off the ground and thrown right back to the ground after traveling some distance, (whether a real or imagined distance), by a tornado, and the extent of the damage is not really appreciated until the munchkins sing about it. "The kitchen took a slitch". During the movie, we assumed that the kitchen, in Dorothy's house was just fine, even though it had sustained the damage caused by a tornado. After all, we are American Movie Fans, and we leave our logical brains at the door. Most of us never even heard the reference to "slitch" nor, if we did hear and understand that word, nor did we ever suscribe this element of insidiousness to it, if we did understand what "slitch" meant.

👍109 👎67

Slitch's - definition

The clever combination of 'slut and 'bitch'. A girl or woman you can get into bed with little or no effort, however, after removing her from your home she becomes a bitch.

Perry: I pulled a right slut last night but she told my wife what I did the next day.

Harry: What a slitch.

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Slitch's - slang

This word appears in one of the songs in the movie "The Wizard of Oz" which describes how the cyclone dropped Dorothy's house onto the Wicked Witch of the East and killed her. It appears to denote some kind of unusual physical movement. An excerpt from the lyrics follows.

"The house began to pitch
The kitchen took a slitch
It landed on the wicked witch
in the middle of a ditch
was not a healthy sitch-uation
for the wicked witch."

👍75 👎37


(aj) a simplified word which contains two words; someone who cheats on you with one of your friends.

guy 1: mikayla is such a slitch!
guy 2: i know right! fuck her and her gf, you can do much better

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n. (archaic) a combinate form of the words "slide" and "pitch" to denote a sideways motion with an accompanying rotational "roll" and/or "yaw" variance.

Ex: "The kitchen took a slitch." (from "The Wizard of Oz" movie)

👍139 👎43


A slut and a bitch

You're one real slitch

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