Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Slap the shit out of?

Not a real thing. Something that you make Amandaโ€™s believe is a cool/modern phrase or slang for something that slaps. Or is fire. It is banging.

But Iโ€™m reality, not actually used by any person... EVER!

Hey bruh bruh. Did you hear that I convinced another Amanda that โ€œslap the shit out of my tittiesโ€ is something that young people use as slang for fire! How gullible!!!!

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Slap the shit out of - video

Slap the shit out of - what is it?

When someone is trying to play it cool and make you look like stupid.
Someone is trying to fool you and take advantage

Stop acting like a fool. If you don't do your job I swear I'll slap the shit out of you.

Hey, is Bryan dating your ex?
Yeah, I think he is. Im going to slap the shit out of that fucker

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