Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sint?

A small dutch island in the Caribbean Sea that make up the SSS Islands

where the hell is sint eustatius again

👍25 👎11

Sint - meme gif

Sint meme gif

Sint - video


Sint - what is it?

A place for kids who suffer from ligma

I'm glad i'm not going to Sint Jozef.

👍25 👎11

What does "Sint" mean?

A shithole of a city, somewhere in Belgium.

Person A: Damn son! what happend to you?
Person B: I went to Sint-Niklaas.

👍25 👎11

Sint - what does it mean?

when someone steals the words that u say, n makes out that they made it up.

it sint
jake sint
bulla baga sint

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