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What is Silver 5?

A rank in the popular MOBA League of Legends. People in this rank think of themselves as "Good at the game" although they are terrible. Silver 5 players are also bad at grammar but still attempt to correct others.

XxXxNooBlOrDxXxX: STFU dude im silver 5 not like you're bronze ass
XxMysticWindxX: but silver 5 isn't even good
XxXxNooBlOrDxXxX: Wow you really are a noob
/all XxXxNooBlOrDxXxX: 9x report Mystic cause he is a noob and racist
/all XxMysticWindxX: lol you're just one of those silver 5 kids xDDDD
/all XxXxNooBlOrDxXxX: lol wrong your fuckwit

👍27 👎13

Silver 5 - video
