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What is Scotchy Mother?

The vehicle of the Porky Scotcher's mother which the important security guard takes her out in. This chair has appeared in comedy photographs taken by Monkus and Mickus.

Quick Monk, get in the Scotchy Mother's Wheelchair before Goofy Granny gets back and I'll take a photo.

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Scotchy Mother - video


Scotchy Mother - what is it?

The vehicle used by Pork Schotch's mother who is even more Scotchy than The Porky Scotcher himself. Goofy Granny and Scotchman Porky Workie take the old bag out in the chair which is normally kept in the half car but was taken out for comical photographs.

Mickus: The Scotchers just left in the half car, lets take some photos in the Scotchy Mother's Wheelchair.

Monkus: Ok. I'd love to meet the old hag, I hear it's even more scotchy than Fishy MacSwell.

Mickus: Really? Must be very Scotchy then!

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What does "Scotchy Mother" mean?

A disgusting old hag with hairs growing out of the wrinkles on its liver spots. She is the mother Pork Scotch and even more scotchy than the Porky Scotcher himself. It is constantly driven around in the Scotchy Mother Wheelchair by Scotchman and Goofy Granny.

Monk: The chair's there! Is the Scotchy Mother here?

Mick: No. Porky just took it out of the half car while he was raising the back seat to make it a bed.

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