Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Scorp?

Some ugly ass nigger that gets no bitches, no play and no rizz. He beats his meat everyday out of loneliness and he has a weird obsession wit his dog. He always sits next to me in 1st period for some fucking reason

Is that VFX Scorp??
Yeah look at that goofy ass outfit

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Scorp - meme gif

Scorp meme gif

Scorp - video


Scorp - what is it?

Fat flaps that hang down like saddle bags from the chest of males. Scorp Tits develop over years, and are usually the by-product of morbid inactivity.

An unusual medical condition resulting from this condition is called "Singular Swollascorptitacus," in which one Scorp Tit is noticeably larger than the other. Males with this condition often report uncontrollable masturbation in their sleep, particularly while on vacation with family or friends. Even if awoken from this trance-like state, the person afflicted will continue to masturbate, while his one free hand gently caresses one of his Scorps. There is no known cure for this disease, although many have tried the method of igniting a lighter to the penis head of the afflicted male while in his trance. This has producted mixed results, however most being messy.

The lifecycle of a Scorp Tit is as follows: baby spuds, budding manbreasts, hairy double stuffs, and finally--lard twins.

"We were all having a good time at the lake until ole fatass Tungette's Scorp Tits kicked in again. Damn I thought Jeff was gonna try and find a blowtorch to burn his flesh sword off with."

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What does "Scorp" mean?

See Scorpions; metal.

Scorp's great, ain't it?

👍31 👎31

Scorp - what does it mean?

a term used in skateboarding when you fall on your chest and your legs curl up behind your back somewhat like a scopion....

DUDE! that scorp was harse.....i though he almost kicked himself in the back of the head!

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Scorp - meaning

To have beat badly. Almost synonymous with pwn. This word's origin lies with David Winton who named it after the Mortal Kombat character Scorpion. One of the Scorpion AIs in 2v2 arcade mode was overpowered leading to the creation of this word.

The word can be applied to areas outside of video games as well (including things like school and work).

Oh man, I just got scorped by this fatal1ty guy.

This Chemistry test is going to scorp me, damn I should have studied.

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Scorp - definition

Someone who is shady and does suspect things.

Keith is a scorp because he was talking behind Sean's back.

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Scorp - slang

It stands for a person who AFK's constantly in raids, bg's, or isntances in WoW

Stop being such a scorp!

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Dank ass social media app with hella fine people

Did you see that babe on Scorp? Sharing her thoughts and whatnot. Was mad hot.

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From the root word scorpion. It is a metaphor for hooking up. Picture the pincers and then scorpion tail impailing (much like a penis) into the "victim" or sexual partner.

"Hey man, I saw you go home with Jenny last night"..."Yeah I scorped her"

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When a boy name Sir Danny Kirby the III proceeds to make a claw with his hands and progressively and without mercy stab the earlobes of other humans in the surrounding area.


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