Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Salmoned?

A giant, very thick, monster cock. Usually has a slight right curve. One similar to the one of famous artists and rapper “DaBaby”, would be a salmon dick.

“Ayooo i got that salmon!”
My lord, did anybody see DaBaby’s salmon get leaked?”

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Salmoned - meme gif

Salmoned meme gif

Salmoned - video


Salmoned - what is it?

When you walk up behind someone and you flail your arm between there legs near the genitals, imitating the act of catching a salmon by hand.

Everyone was giving Lenny Hi 5's while I went behind him and gave him the salmon.

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What does "Salmoned" mean?

What a man calls the the colour of his jumper when he doesn't want to admit he's wearing pink.

"My jumpers not pink, it's salmon"

👍157 👎59

Salmoned - what does it mean?

The act of running up to a woman, releasing a large cloud of semen, yelling "release your eggs!", running away, and then dying.

Jake won't be in class tomorrow because he was involved in a deadly salmoning incident.

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Salmoned - meaning

Riding a bicycle against the intended flow of traffic in a bike lane. It is sometimes also used to refer to riding on the wrong side of the road (facing car traffic instead of with traffic). The term comes from salmon, which swim upstream as part of their life cycle.

Hey, that guy's riding the wrong way in the bike lane! Stop salmoning, dude!

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Salmoned - definition

A sight so bizarre you can only be sure that it is not salmon.

"What in gods name is that?!"
"Well, it's certainly Not Salmon."

👍25 👎11

Salmoned - slang

1.The act of a Fancy man running his hand over raw salmon in order to prepare it for additional action, usually involving application to a GIF, video, or meme image, for online media entertainment purposes. 2.The application of an image of a Fancy man rubbing salmon to a video/gif/meme/photo. Related: rubbing salmon.

Can you believe that Fancy guy on discord corrupting all those gifs and memes with his salmoning?

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'Salmoned is sexual'

👍31 👎25


An internet phenomena where a computer links two people over IM - and gives each user false

It's similar to a three way call using AIM. Imagine someone mutes his own phone and then calls you. Then he calls someone else. Now you're talking to a stranger. Your phone rang and so did theirs. You think he called you and vice versa. Neither of you realize there's a third person instigating all this. This is basically the same thing, but with AIM.

AllSeeingSalmon: who are you?
Me: So you realize we're being salmoned right. And your s/n is showing up as AllSeeingSalmon.
AllSeeingSalmon: no??
AllSeeingSalmon: wtf are you talking about?!
AllSeeingSalmon: no this is Jim
AllSeeingSalmon: I already told you that!

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The art of giving someone the surprise feeling of a salmon swimming upstream rapidly between your legs.

Sneak up behind a person while they are standing up directly facing away from you and make sure they don;t know you are there. Take one hand, make it flat like a karate chop, and rapidly move your hand back and forth between the person's legs just above their knees. This provides a surprising sensation of what it would feel like to have a salmon trying to swim upstream between your legs. When the victim turns around surprised and doesn't know how to respond to such an odd thing; you say "You got salmoned!"

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