Definder - what does the word mean?


Someone who is resistant, difficult, and persistent in an opinion, task or idea.

"She was stubborn enough to train a Cat."

πŸ‘465 πŸ‘Ž471

STUBBORN - meme gif

STUBBORN meme gif

STUBBORN - video


STUBBORN - what is it?

Danny Honda

God, Danny is so stubborn.

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "STUBBORN" mean?

The persistent denial and/or refusal to accept the inevitable situation that unavoidably seems to be a prophetic declaration and/or presumably predetermined act of fate.

Joshua and Sarah will never be together because they are both too stubborn to admit they love each other!

πŸ‘1209 πŸ‘Ž777

STUBBORN - what does it mean?

having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.

I'm stubborn.

πŸ‘37 πŸ‘Ž13

STUBBORN - meaning

Someone who is resistant, difficult, and persistent in an opinion, task or idea.

"She was stubborn enough to train a Cat."

πŸ‘1103 πŸ‘Ž639

STUBBORN - definition

Someone who doesn't listen to other people's opinionts. A stubborn person always thinks he's right. Often assosiated with arrogant and acting allknowing. Its the same as obstinate and koppig.

I don't like stubborn people, they always think they're right and don't listen to anything else.

πŸ‘3679 πŸ‘Ž1573

STUBBORN - slang

A person who is so bull headed that they won't do what they are told to do

"You are being such a stubborn."

πŸ‘37 πŸ‘Ž11


Someone who is so set on their ways that they don’t even allow themselves to find happiness because they are too STUBBORN and have way to much PRIDE.

These people often lose sight of what makes them happy because they like to be difficult and think they are always right.

They think people care about the decisions they make, or how they go about their life but they are to STUBBORN to see that no one really gives a fuck.

She could have been soo happy if she just went with her hearts decision but she was way too stubborn to realize that.

πŸ‘289 πŸ‘Ž93


I will not let other people's opinion influence mine.

I told her that crystal meth was not good for her, but she wanted to find out on her own; she is so stubborn.

πŸ‘483 πŸ‘Ž101


Doesn't do shit unless he/she wants to.

Colton:I'm not stubborn tho, I just don't do shit unless I want to

πŸ‘1013 πŸ‘Ž205