Definder - what does the word mean?

What is STDV?

Delaware Valley High School, located in Milford, Pennsylvania. This school is filled with disgusting people spreading their disgusting STDs. Staff try to keep their โ€œgood schoolโ€ face. Bullying is a big problem that is not dealt with properly, sometimes ignored completely. Nobody likes the school or the fake and dirty people in it. Pregnancies are not uncommon. Close your legs girls. Keep your peckers in your pants boys.

Girl: Did you hear about the pregnant girl juuling in the bathroom?

Boy: Yeah, sheโ€™s nasty. Her baby is so screwed, it is STDV of course..

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STDV - meme gif

STDV meme gif

STDV - video


STDV - what is it?

Located in Milford, Pennsylvania, STDV (refered to as Delaware Valley High School by administration and some staff,) STDV is the high school we all saw on CNN last year for the astonishing increase of STD's and pregnancies. Over half of the student body contracted one form of an STI, while there were four accounts of HIV. Every other girl (and every four guys) spends their weekends making babies.

In 2007, 24 girls were inpregnated.
In 2008, 18 girls were inpregnated.
In 2009, so far 6 girls have been impregnated.

In the form of stereotype

25%: JOCK
20%: EMO

OTHER= people with no friends, people who vary so much that they can't fall under a stereotype, people who are creepers, and so on.

STDV is a great school and if every person in the world attended it, about 4% of the world population would have intelligence.

dude 1: "Hey, that chick just got HIV tested positive!"
dude 2: "Dude, she comes from STDV, of course she tested positive."

chick 1: "Eff, I ran out of pot! I'm going to go insane this weekend, I used all my money on condoms and that fucking crabs formula."
chick 2: "Um, that's because you go to STDV. I go to York, and I already make $400,000 a year."

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