Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SOPD?

any group of men that has been rejected from the new york police department on numerous occasions, probably for lack of testicles. These men then band together to form their own police department, the sopd, and pride themselves on stealing taps, making college kids cry, locking up greek life members, ticketing jaywalkers, and basically just being wastes of life.

Yup, the sopd screwed me over yet again- can they just kill themselves and get it over with already?

👍87 👎57

SOPD - meme gif

SOPD meme gif

SOPD - video


SOPD - what is it?

An acronym for Shirts Off Pants Down. A ritual performed by a group of men that are comfortable with their masculinity to form a brotherly bond during times of life turning events.

Lets get SOPD to the mothaf*ckin roof!

👍145 👎21