Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SHREE?

A good person, attractive, talkative, impressive and so on. Bravery and be friendly to all. achieve his goal's often

Attractive=Theju shree

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SHREE - meme gif

SHREE meme gif

SHREE - video


SHREE - what is it?

l It is a popular name in Hindu community as this names is meaningful yet attractive. Jayashree name meaning is The Goddess of Victory and this is a perfect name to give as a life time identity to your baby.

Jaaya Shree is THE GOODESS OF VICTORY and perfect name.

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What does "SHREE" mean?

The act of viewing the Bee Movie on one electronic device while simultaneously viewing Shrek on another, thus calling forth the creation of a vortex of an unfathomable magnitude.

β€œEver since I witnessed the Shree Vortex, I haven’t been the same. I’ve changed and I can’t tell if it is for the better or worse but I feel strangely powerful and Godlike”

β€œI feel a disturbance. Someone somewhere has unleashed the Shree Vortex. May God help us all.”

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SHREE - what does it mean?

slang word for the city "Shreveport" located in northern Louisiana.

Usually this word is yelled in clubs, bars, and other gathering places of urban dwellers across the world.

The word Shree-Pote was used and apoted by a native Shreveporter "Alvin" and dubbed the nickname Mr. Shree-pote.

Hey wassup dude, where your from "SHREE-POTE"

person 1: hey I am from "wherever"

person 2: Fuck you, I'm from "SHREE-POTE"

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SHREE - meaning

a girl with one cheekbone extremely higher than the other.
She is beautiful...
in her own way.

"Shree, get chyo a$$ ovah hurrrr!"

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SHREE - definition

People that can’t pronounce β€œThree” say Shree.

β€œHey Dad what time will Mum be home.”

β€œSometime between Shree and Shree Thirty.”

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SHREE - slang

The definition to "Shree" would be, in a short summary, a suspected schitzophrenic, with many "alter egos".

If approached, do not try and hide any kind of facts, most specifically sexuality, as "Shree" will use his sick sick mind games to get his pleasure by humiliating you and sharing it with others.

Jason: "Hi who is this"
'Alter ego of Shree': Hi, I'm .. So i hear you are gay? Sorry, i mean "bi""
"Jason: What? No I'm straight"
'Alter ego': "Riiiight."

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One of the names of Godess Laxmi - Godess of Wealth ( India )

Shree means wealth

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a very attractive, intellectual, and conceited person.

i heart shree alwayss

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Very sweet, misjudged person who leaves you at a loss for words. Most likely a gounder. Hates to be met with the phrase β€˜ lava juice’. Loves to be called bro.
Oh, also she’s a godesss. Drop dead gorgeous ;)

Look at that girl brooo she’s nothing like shree. No one is shree except shree

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