Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Roof Top?

lyrics of the song hive

'87 roof top, Bronson

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Roof Top - video


Roof Top - what is it?

Classy Event or gathering of great minds that includes getting High From Mary Jane.

Roof Top Garden Party at my place on 420.

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What does "Roof Top" mean?

A roof top camper is what is considered a scum of the universe

A roof top camper is in all video games that are FPS but most common in the following games

Call of duty, apex, fortnight etc.

Gamer one: I just killed by the scum of the universe

Gamer two: roof top camper

Gamer one: yep

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Roof Top - what does it mean?

Climbing on top of a roof and having a quick vape

Just went for a bit of roof top chonging with the lads

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Roof Top - meaning

To cover one's hand when in the act of prison shanking an enemy, so as not to alert the warden and ceiling cameras of your misdeeds.

Hey Tron, you gotta roof top that sharpened toothbrush so the ceiling cameras dont bust that ass.

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Roof Top - definition

A male Bitch

Man that guy was such a Roof Top to that girl today.

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Roof Top - slang

A Roof Top is simillar to an upper decker which is deficating in the upper tank of the toilet exept a Roof Top is the act of leaving the turd on the top of the water tank lid. Sometimes called "Shingling the roof"

roof Top shingle the roof

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