Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Roarin'?

A term used to describe a person's state after drinking to excess. This state is commonly associated with memory black out and a severe hangover the following day.

I am getting rip roarin' dandied tonight.

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Roarin' - meme gif

Roarin' meme gif

Roarin' - video

Roarin' - what is it?

Poppin off; loud; lots of commotion

Yo that party was ROARIN last night

👍59 👎19

What does "Roarin'" mean?

Another term for laughing hard. Derives from Nova Scotia. Can be on the same level as LMAO or ROFL

You could make some cock and bull story about how crumpets derive from canada

hahah...cock and bull

i'm roarin', hahaha

i love that phrase

cock and bull

👍35 👎19