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What is Riddin Dirty?

Famous song from Charmillionaire. Riddin dirty is someone who is causing and/or making trouble, or someone who is breaking the law.

Man, im riddin dirty.. im carrying more weed then anyother niggers around

👍85 👎105

Riddin Dirty - video


Riddin Dirty - what is it?

Riddin' dirty is the act of owning/driving a car with expensive and gotty rims. As exemplified below by Jay Z's track "On To The Next One," from his new Blueprint 3 album, Jay Z alludes to "Ride clean, I don't ever take the shoes off."

Jay Z explains how he rides his jeep clean (opposite of dirty), and he never takes the "shoes" rims off; hence riddin' clean(opposite of riddin' dirty).

Bought the car tore the mufuckin roof off

Ride clean, I don't ever take the shoes off

Bought the jeep tore the mufuckin doors off

Foot out that bitch ride that shit like a skateboard

Riddin' dirty

👍37 👎19