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What is Red-bait?

Also known as Reductio ad Stalinum, Reductio ad Marxisum, Reductio ad Chomskynum, Reductio ad Bakunum/Reductio ad Bakuninum, Reductio ad Libertarianum, Reductio ad Leninum, or Red-tag, is a logical fallacy (part of ad hominem) when someone dismiss speaker's argument by accusing them as a leftist

A: You're fascist <=A is deliberately doing reductio ad Hitlerum by accusing B as a fascist
B: STFU you leftist liberal special snowflake <= B is deliberately doing red-bait fallacy by name-calling A as leftist liberal special snowflake

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Red-bait - meme gif

Red-bait meme gif

Red-bait - video
