Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rare Breed?

not again

“damn papa u a rare breed”
shut the fuck up
“no comparinggg and it’s mfing scarryyy”

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Rare Breed - video


Rare Breed - what is it?

Something you say when random old men slide into your dms or comment on your photos before you block them. it's from the song, 'Streets', by Doja Cat.

45 year old man : You're so pretty, wanna come over?
Amy: Damn papa you a rare breed

👍29 👎15

What does "Rare Breed" mean?

The rarest of all human races. They have all of the qualities of a ginger; ie freckles, pale skin that is sensitive to light, and social awkwardness, however, they lack the signature red hair.

Hey, look at Chris, he's not a ginger, but he really looks like one!

Oh, yeah, he's a rare breed.

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Rare Breed - what does it mean?

California rapper Rare Breed. Raised in the rugged streets of North West Pasadena, Calif. The young MC learned about hustling and working hard at a young age. The rough surroundings of crime and gangs in this part of Pasadena molded Rare breed into a strong individual, and gave him the necessary experience to share the struggles of what many people face. After his initial dream of a Football career didn't materialize, he discovered he had a passion for hip-hop at the age of 13. With his eyes clearly set on his new goal, he began laying out the foundation for his success by making a buzz throughout California and New York, He also got over 800,000 My Space music plays in less then 2 months. Coming from the west coast, a region that has produced stars like Snoop Dogg, Dr.Dre, The Game, N.W.A and many more, and famous for its unique lifestyle, Rare breed embodies what many west coast rap fans love, while at the same time displaying a versatility that makes him appealing to hip-hop fans across the world. His charisma and strong stage presence, combined with his ability to craft stories about a wide array of subjects earned the young rapper the respect of fans and caused the industry to take notice. Many people call Rare Breed the pride of pasadena and the pride of the 626 becuase of the national attention he has brought pasadena threw his rising success. With so many dues paid, his industry knowledge and the groundwork set, Rare Breed is poised to make a lasting impression on hip-hop.

Rare breed put pasadena on the map!!

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Rare Breed - meaning

Karen Kronemeyer

Aussie Squash player

A 4 year, 1000 step process to accomplishing a dream.
Using social networking and my character talents to lift the sunglasses in the US on the sport, squash. Squash will be the upcoming celebrity fad, burning 500 calories in 30minutes while having fun and stimulating every part of your inner and outer body. 

Rare Breed & 30minutesEmbrace the movement is more than just a movement towards squash, it's about living life to the fullest and embracing rare people that think inwards and act outward, this is how I'm going to achieve %99 of my dream.
Taking off from steady grounds in flight to the highest mountain.
The passion to make this work is going to shake the world around me to a lighter level. Life is my most treasure possession, I'm honored to be the human I am and all I can do is live it out.

Rare breed- embrace the movement- Squash

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