Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RBO's?

Minnesota rapper all he does is put his heart and soul into music

Guy : have you heard statistics from RBO GLIZZY
Girl: yeah heโ€™s definitely top 5

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RBO's - meme gif

RBO's meme gif

RBO's - video


RBO's - what is it?

Minnesota rap artist

You heard that new RBO Glizzy?

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What does "RBO's" mean?

Rbo stands for Real Bitches Only!

Boy 1: โ€œWho that girls walking down the streetโ€
Boy 2: thats the RBOโ€™s Kieshaa & Tonya

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RBO's - what does it mean?

Real bitches only

Iโ€™m a rbo โ€œreal bitch onlyโ€

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RBO's - meaning

Rbo stands for real brothers only.... it is a gang of around 10 boys. They all love sharing girls and they love jumping people.

Damn those boys are always together.
Duh girl thatโ€™s the RBO

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RBO's - definition

Acronym standing for "Rock et Belles Oreilles", a legendary french-canadian comedy group active from the 1980s up to the mid-1990s.

Wow, ta joke est de qualitรฉ RBO.

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RBO's - slang

Rbo is a gang in Rhode Island Rbo stands for real b**ches only and a gang thatโ€™s soft. They are mostly from Cranston and prov.

Her: is that a rbo kid
Best friend: yeah it is theyโ€™re soft

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