Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pwn't?

A term you use after you pwn someone on a video game. See the word pwn.

Dude, I just served you a side of pwn't cake on a silver platter, n00b!

👍49 👎31

Pwn't - meme gif

Pwn't meme gif

Pwn't - video


Pwn't - what is it?

past tense of pwn.

1.noobrometor: OMG i'm thoo theeen
Link713: Your an idiot, j00 phail
Lupo713: yeah Newb, j00 are teh lame
Noob_Slayor_713: N00b, you just got pwn't

2. Noob: aww man, i got cat tagged
Pwner: Pwn't

👍439 👎191