Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pure-Bred?

A person that is truly a bitch.

Sergei : Aiko is a poviya(bitch).

Aiko : I'm a pure bred bitch.

👍27 👎13

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Pure-Bred - what is it?

one who is born being awesome,they are smart,talented,beautiful,people love them,they can get any member of the oppiside sex anytime,anywhere.

hey,steve,that sucks that you dint win the lotery,but the good news is im a pure bred awesome

👍29 👎13

What does "Pure-Bred" mean?

A pure bred fina is the purest type of person there is. Only when someone gets a gamertatag such as pure bred fina, may they achive this type of pureness

Dude sean is such a pure bred fina, hes the man.

👍45 👎25

Pure-Bred - what does it mean?

someone who is totally a retard, a fucking faggot.

He is such a pure-bred, i hate that mother fucker.

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