Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Prudie?

A pretty girl that only dresses up sexily and prettily for her one boyfriend, like his personal model-prude, just for him,
because she only loves him.

Amy always is my prudiful baby ...

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Prudie - meme gif

Prudie meme gif

Prudie - video


Prudie - what is it?

A girl who wants to marry every guy she meets but dosent want to do anything sexual with any of them

Bassi is so prudy-hoe she is in love with 3 guyz she met last night.

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What does "Prudie" mean?

Someone who is both prudish and square. Its immature sound is deliberate; it may very well be used by younger people, or people who act younger than they are.

It may be a generic insult as well; in other words, the person this is directed to doesn't necessarily need to be a prude nor a square.

British in origin.

"Stop being a prudy square, Neil, and do the shopping!"

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Prudie - what does it mean?

Prudy....aghhhh its a penis get it away from be against things of which are rude.......chaz

"Ewwwwwww thats sick"
"aggghhhhhh i have breasts mingin"
"(two people having sex) mummy what are they doing "having sex dear" oh my gosh how sick"

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Prudie - meaning

prudy - defined as the ultimate preatty. a word used by people who think its cool to spell the word wrong even tho they sound like morons

He/she is so prudy

im an ugly f*ck so my kid will be prudy

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Prudie - definition

Old ladies car. - Driven slow - Grannys car

You see that prudy. That girl needs a new whip.

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Prudie - slang

Prudy--one who is too proper in society to the point from childhood being whipped by their step-dad, neglected by their real father, beaten, abused, a total square,, eats fruit loops and knows the exact ingredients, fostered, rejected by every woman especially ugly, similar to incels

Simon-heyy Brad! Wow I'm glad you made it to the prom now wheres that girl that you drove here to meet me?

Brad-ahh man won't you stop ignoring your pokemon friend behind you, hah Franklin sure needs a partner!

Girl-psst Brad! Get over here take me me home now!makes out with Brad under moonset while Simon still texting him man that Simon is sure a prudy!

Girl-like yahh!!

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Prudie is an awesome best friend. She’s always there for you through thick and thin. She is a cat lover and has the weirdest made up voices and catchphrases. When you first meet her you simple and shy but when you get to know her she is a crazy,funny,complex person. She is loyal and very clever.She will always make you smile and is extremely cute. She has a beautiful smile and personality but has difficulty standing up to people. You can only be mad at her for five seconds and she likes rap music or though you would never have thought it,she also loves blackpink and is a narwhal lover.

Person 1: I wish I had a prudie as my bff
Person 2: Same she’s such a awesome person

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