Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Proper fit?

n. A slang term; a female that is relatively attractive but not considered "hot". Usually ranked about a 7 or 8 on a hottness scale of 1-10.

Bro 1: "Bro, look at that plus size model over there. She's pretty."
Bro 2: "Yeah, she's a proper fit."

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Proper fit - video


Proper fit - what is it?

Something which has reached the next level of positive status. Many things can be good, great, awesome, amazing. Only somethings can be "Proper Fitted".

The word originates from Fitted hats. These fitted hats make the wearer look good because they are properly fitted. In other words they make the wearer look Proper Fitted.

Bob: Look at that ass!
Joe: Proper fitted!

Bob: I just found $50.
Joe: Proper fitted!

Bob: Get the fuck away from me bitch!
Jill: Okay.
Bob: Proper fitted!

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What does "Proper fit" mean?

8 out of 10. When something is really good but not quite perfect.

That movie was proper fit.

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