Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pro-life?

One of many ideologies heavily associated with white supremacy and religious extremists. It is an ignorant view point that places priority of a fetus over the life of the mother at all costs, even if it means death of the mother. After birth, the baby's wellfare is no longer a concern.

I'm pro-life! Even if she's 14 years old with no income and is barely able to take care of herself, I believe she needs to give that baby a chance to live!

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž2013

Pro-life - meme gif

Pro-life meme gif

Pro-life - video


Pro-life - what is it?

One of many ideologies heavily associated with white supremacy and religious extremists. It is an ignorant view point that places priority of a fetus over the life of the mother at all costs, even if it means death of the mother. After birth, the baby's wellfare is no longer a concern.

I'm pro-life! Even if she's 14 years old with no income and is barely able to take care of herself, I believe she needs to give that baby a chance to live!

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž2015

What does "Pro-life" mean?

The radical idea that murdering babies is wrong.

Pro-Deather: You're pro-life? You don't care about women's rights!

Pro-Lifer: Yes, just like I don't care about a mugger's right to shoot you

πŸ‘3337 πŸ‘Ž185

Pro-life - what does it mean?

Objectively, the prerogative is to enforce that any consensually or non-consensually pregnant woman is forced to give birth to her child, regardless of extreme physical pain, psychological trauma (rape,) potential death (miscarriage, vaginal bleeding,) their own fully developed humanity, conscience, relatives, children, or the fact that the baby (no matter how valued by others) is of their creation and responsibility.

This indirectly portrays pregnant women as little more than human incubators; Pro-life is considered by some to be an unconscious form of female objectification/anti-feminism.

Some Pro-lifers (some of whom are men and/or otherwise incapable of experiencing the pain of child-birth) seem to believe they have a self-given right to regulate the abilities of pregnant women.

However, it should be noted that despite some Pro-lifers are an embarrassment to others, some are actually polite, intelligent and have substantial respect for the concerns/conditions of pregnant mothers.

Jack: "Just because I'm pro-life doesn't mean I condone violence against women, or the reduction of their rights."

Jamie: "You could be in support of specific women's rights, but that doesn't change the fact you condone the removal of one of two significant choices made available to mothers and rape victims."

Jack: "I can understand your sentiments, but my approach to the removal of abortion would be gradual, sensitive and respectful."

Jamie: "Maintaining such a seemingly justifiable cause would be challenging in light of your blatant opposition to established women's rights."

Jack: "It would be replaced with a system that provided unanimous support and respect for pregnant women."

Jamie: "Well, at least you'd be willing to establish such a system in its place, as opposed to just destroying abortion clinics and bellowing misogynistic profanities."

Jack: "I know you don't agree with my sentiments, but thanks for at least understanding them."

Jamie: "No problem, I suppose not all Pro-lifers are bad."

πŸ‘49 πŸ‘Ž23993

Pro-life - meaning

A person who believes women should not have a right to safely access abortion or have right to their body. They believe abortion is murder and wrong. The pro-life community is toxic, and emotionally manipulative; they spread misleading information.

The Pro-life community wants to force women to give birth because they believe abortion is wrong

πŸ‘61 πŸ‘Ž3583

Pro-life - definition

The attitude or philosophy that counts all human life as sacred and inviolable, from the moment that life exists, at conception, especially since the baby is alive and growing, and different in every way from either parent. Those who are pro-life reject abortion and euthanasia as murder.

The abortionist was intent on continuing his bloodthirsty destruction of babies for many years, and the law was doing nothing to prevent it. Being pro-life, we were left with a choice of taking one life, or turning our backs and allow the killing of thousands to continue. We dearly would have loved to take no life at all, but the abortionist, being a mass murderer, had prevented that choice from being available.

πŸ‘3067 πŸ‘Ž73

Pro-life - slang

A lowlife cunt who thinks abortion is killing babies. They could care less for the thing after it’s born and will do nothing to help the kids that end up in foster care or somewhere else

Your not pro-life Janet you’re pro birth

πŸ‘35 πŸ‘Ž1009


A deceptive word usage or oxymoronic word. People who are pro-life are really only pro-birth. Once a person is born, people who are pro-life lose all interest in that person's life.

George W. Bush is Pro-life. His policies killed well over a million people in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he supports every fetus's right to be born. After that, he couldn't care less.

πŸ‘191 πŸ‘Ž16449


Pro-life is a word used by many religiously affiliated groups to shame women who have had abortions, may need an abortion in the future, use birth control and the morning after pill. Pro-lifers enjoy protesting at abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood. Many pro-lifers believe that a fetus of rape or incest should be carried to term. Denying a woman her right to an abortion if she was a victim of rape or incest is undeniably cruel, seeing as those victims are often embarrassed to report the crime, suffer from sexual insecurity, and often require years of counseling to make them feel whole again. Without an abortion, those women would be forced to carry a reminder of their rape around for nine months. Also, people who would try to take away abortions, especially in low-income areas, don't have support systems in place for young and disadvantaged mothers. Children are EXPENSIVE. Many people cannot afford children. Also, there are seven billion people on earth. We should be reducing the number of children born, not increasing it. This is why birth control and the morning after pill are completely necessary.

Person 1: You can't have an abortion.
Person 2 (pregnant by rape 12 year old): But, I emotionally and physically am not able to carry this fetus to term. I could die easily in childbirth. I don't want to die. If I don't get an abortion, I'll have to drop out of school.
Person 1: Well, God wanted you to have this baby. That's why you're pregnant. Getting an abortion isn't pro-life.

πŸ‘281 πŸ‘Ž25363


A 50 year-old white male that takes away women's rights because he has nothing good left to contribute to this world

Pro-life people are using fetuses as an excuse to take away women's rights and after that they don't even care for the babys

πŸ‘39 πŸ‘Ž1403