Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pricilla's?

A woman who may seem to be lovely on the surface but is secretly a huge cock muncher that cant get her fill of massive sweaty black cock. It is said that every pricilla armendariz has been involved in at least one gang bang with the bare minimum of 36 black males.

Pricilla armendariz is such a puta

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Pricilla's - meme gif

Pricilla's meme gif

Pricilla's - video


Pricilla's - what is it?

A ugly ass horse who cheats on their boyfriends sometimes, her legs are twigs and she has frizzy ugly hair. She has no life and she sometimes steals boys from their girlfriends. She also laughs too damn much.

β€œI’d hate to be a pricilla

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What does "Pricilla's" mean?

An ugly ass whore that just wants attention and thinks she’s so cool, she looks like a monkey with scoliosis. She has no ass and still tried to show it off she is super ugly and has a pig nose🀒

did you see that monkey with scoliosis?
- Omg yes I thought that was pricilla

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Pricilla's - what does it mean?

A girl that latches on to a guy but never wants to date, even though her parents and everyone else says they should. Pricilla's are also known to take a guy on a date but not think that it is a date.

Fuck Pricilla.

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Pricilla's - meaning

Pricilla is a very kind Girl. She’s so pretty and the best friend you could ever have. She has a very big heart and knows how to treat someone right. She’s not only pretty, but intelligent and funny.

She’s the most kind, amazing, caring & loving person ever, but can also be a really serious person.

I know that she’ll be a good girlfriend, wife & Mother one day!

If you have a friend named pricilla, you’re very lucky, so don’t hurt or lose her. Pricilla’s are the best persons you could ever meet.

Mf also has a big booty btw, bye.

Pricilla better read and appreciate this.

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Pricilla's - definition

a girl hu is simply absolutely gawjuz, a girl hu is so perfect that you dont need ne1 else in your life, a girl that is just soo amzingly beautiful its unreal....a girl hu means the world 2 me!

my bby is such a pricilla

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Pricilla's - slang

A girl that is loyal sweet kind should do anything for anybody she low-key thick she'll protect anybody for anything she loves a boy that is loyal sweet kind of everything even if it's embarrassing don't understand her love her the same way she loves him and I will protect her over anything and she is not the jealous type

Pricilla us fineeee

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Pricilla is the type of person that you will always want to be around. She is absolutely beautiful, gorgeous, cute, pretty, funny, smart. She makes the greatest girlfriend/wife. Fuck friends all u need in life is her she completes you Nd ur boring ass life. If ur lucky enough to earn her heart u best keep it and never break it cause you’d regret that instantly. Just one look and ur in love every time you look at her u just fall in love over and over again. She is the best choice for a girlfriend everyone else can can fuck off. She will never try to hurt u Nd always keeps u happy and smiling.

Pricilla is mad fine 😍

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A girl who is truly and amazing person she will do anything for anyone if she truly loves them she don't give to fucks if someone got shit to say she really intelligent she not the jealous bc she know her man would not hurt her she has everyone back at all times even if she has to take any of the blame . She love a boy who makes her smile every day and even if she ain't fine she always tells her self it ok (she ain't thick either πŸ˜‚)

pricilla love you

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A wonderful store, selling naughty costumes, bondage equipment and the like

Hey where did those ankle cuffs come from?

Pricilla's where fun and fantasy meet!

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