Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PowerSchool?

When overachieving high school students check their online report cards an absurd amount of times in the hope that a grade from an important test or exam will be posted.

Sarah: "That English midterm was ridiculous."
Rachel: "I know, ugh. I've checked Powerschool every 5 minutes for the past 5 hours in the hope that the grades will go up. Still nothing."
Sarah: "Girl, you gotta stop. Don't fall prey to Powerschool Syndrome!"

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PowerSchool meme gif

PowerSchool - video


PowerSchool - what is it?

Cause of death.

Mom: I will check Powerschool

Me: S W E A T

👍25 👎11

What does "PowerSchool" mean?

The application that many private schools use so their parents can know the students grades before their report cards.

Omfg, I flipping hate PowerSchool -_-.

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PowerSchool - what does it mean?

The thing you worry about day and night up until report cards and says you passing classes then you get your report card a turns out you failed 3 classes

The night before report cards came out my PowerSchool grade in math was 82, got my report card...65. No further explanation.

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